VALA2022 Onsite Session 6 Wilson

On the fly: adapting existing digital tools to deliver safe student spaces on campus in uncertain times


Tuesday 14 June 2022, 15:55 – 16:25

Rachael Wilson
  • Digital Experience Librarian
  • Deakin University

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Read the paper and view the presentation recording and slides here:


As Deakin Library readied to reopen after Lockdown 1.0, we needed to balance government and business directives to ensure we were managing capacity limits within our spaces and supporting contract tracing efforts, as well as meeting our responsibility to provide safe and connected study areas for both metropolitan and regional-based students who were entirely reliant on library study spaces and technology to continue with their studies. This paper steps through the processes undertaken at short notice to ensure a Book a Desk service was available for the beginning of Trimester Two 2020, and the project outcomes and lessons learned along the way.


Rachael is passionate about great content and digital experiences in her role as the Digital Experience Librarian at Deakin University Library. She leads a small team specialising in user experience and digital content management and strategy, as part of the larger Library DX (Digital Experience) team. In her role, Rachael collaborates with stakeholders across Deakin Library and beyond, striving to deliver great digital experiences across a range of online platforms, including their website presence, Deakin Genie (an intelligent assistant app) and Springshare suite.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License