Digital Humanities and GLAM Digitisation: the need to build a virtuous circle

Tuesday 14 June 2022, 13:00 – 14:00
Melissa Terras
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Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums have been digitising material at scale for over thirty years. The Digital Humanities community has engaged with this primarily by using the products of the digitisation process for research, teaching and public outreach. Digital Humanities projects have computationally mined digitised historical content, but have also built corpora, infrastructure, tools, and undertaken experimental interventions with digital cultural heritage.
However, very few of those in the Digital Humanities have engaged with the digitisation process, as well as its product. This talk sketches out an agenda for the Digital Humanities and library communities in considering digitisation in the round, while also reflecting on how best to create a feedback loop to undertake activities and produce research that will be of interest to, and engage fully with, memory institutions, digitisation providers and academic researchers. This should result in inclusive digital heritage datasets that are useful, reusable, and point to the benefits of user engagement with our digitised past, influencing the wider Digital Scholarship landscape.
Melissa Terras is a leading international figure in the field of Digital Humanities. She is currently the Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage at the University of Edinburgh‘s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and Director of Research in the Edinburgh Futures Institute. She is a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, and Trustee of the National Library of Scotland.
Melissa will address the latest developments in Digital Humanities, exploring the lived experience of the last two years. She will share success stories and adventures in the Digital Humanities and perhaps provide us with a glimpse of the future through her eyes.
You can generally find her on twitter @melissaterras.
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