VALA2020 Session 3 Greenhill

Kindness and UX in GLAMR online presence: same, same but different?

Tuesday 11 February 2020, 12:00 – 12:30

Kathryn Greenhill
  • Western Australia

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Read the paper, view the video of the presentation on the VALAView channel and view the presentation slides here:


Kindness, and its benefit to community and individuals, is a growing area of research and civic interest. This paper explores possible relationships between kindness and User Experience (UX), particularly within the online presence of publicly-funded Gallery, Library, Archives, Museums and Records (GLAMR) institutions. Library literature uses the term “kindness audit” to describe what are essentially UX studies within library buildings. This paper examines congruences and differences between UX and kindness, before extending the original idea of the kindness audit by suggesting four possible focus points, beyond UX, for a kindness audit of GLAMR online presence.


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