Michele Casalini
Humanities and social sciences academic content in the digital transition time
Tuesday 9 February 2016, 10:50 – 11:20
Persistent URL: http://www.vala.org.au/vala2016-proceedings/vala2016-session-3-casalini
Michele Casalini
Casalini Libri, Italy
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- VALA2016 Session 3 Casalini Paper 339.19 KB
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- VALA2016 Session 3 Casalini Slides 544.25 KB
The transition to the digital era has raised many questions and new challenges for scholarly publishing. This paper examines the extent to which HSS original-language publishing risks marginalisation by STM and considers strategies to ensure its survival. Drawing on analysis of the academic publishing market in Mediterranean Europe, the impact of the digital era on library collections and policies, and the author’s first-hand experience in supplying Romance-language research publications, this paper discusses the wider implications of the digital transition and growing need for awareness along the information chain – with the central role of libraries – that can contribute to forwarding cultural heritage for future generations.
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