VALA Meetings 2013: AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting

6.00 p.m., 26th June, 2013

VENUE:  Dulcie Hollyock Room, Ground Floor, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne.

To see the minutes click on the links below.

  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
  4. Minutes of the 2013 Special General Meeting
  5. President’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Appointment of Auditors
  8. Subscriptions
  9. Election of Committee (See call for nominations information below)
  10. Other Business
  11. Close of meeting

The President’s and Treasurer’s reports are to be distributed at the AGM.




Nominations are invited from members for election to the VALA Committee for 2013/2014/2015.

The VALA financial year is 1st April to March 31st, and Committee members are elected for 2 years, from the end of the Annual General Meeting at which they are elected, until the end of the second following Annual General Meeting.

In accordance with the current Rules of the Association, nominations are called for 4 Committee Members. If more than 4 nominations are received a ballot will be held.

Under the Rules, the office bearers will be chosen from the elected Committee.

Members wishing to nominate for the Committee should complete the nomination form and return the whole page to:

Secretary, PO Box 443, Warrandyte VIC 3113

or Fax (03) 9844 3191

or Scan and email to

by 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 16 June 2013.

Members who are unable to attend may provide their proxy instructions in writing marked to the Secretary via prior to 5.00pm Monday 24 June.